15,272 Steps

Wednesday, June 24, 2009 Edit This 2 Comments »
Exhausted. Weak. Blessed.

Kinda of an odd combination of words, eh?

Today was our VBS Decorating Day, and it was beyond amazing. We had so many people come to help out. There is really no other word for it besides amazing.

Exhausted: I walked over 7 miles throughout our church today. Holy moly. My knees were crying by mile 4 when I walked up the stairs one more time to see if there were more fish (thanks Shelley!). They were extremely angry at me at mile 6 when I had to have the cross on the stage and that included bringing the extremely heavy crate to prop the cross up on. Right now, my knees aren't speaking to me.

Weak: I had doubts. How were we going to finish this all? What if only a few people show up? How are we going to get a giant cross from the attic to the stage? All of these things were accomplished plus some.

There was a huge chunk of undecorated wall that needed to be painted. It is done. We had more youth and adults than I could imagine. Everything fell in place just as God had planned it.

Blessed: For me, VBS is more than just a fun theme and a nightly break for some parents. It isn't childcare. It is life changing. Kids come to have fun with their friends and end up part of a forever family. Some people see VBS as another activity. I see it as planting seeds that will forever change a child's life. Because someone cared enough to plan a VBS for me to attend when I was a child, I was saved. I am blessed to be a part of this chaos. So blessed.


Katrina said...

It was a lot of work but with all the awesome teamwork from everyone we knoccked it out of the park!


Anonymous said...

You're so welcome! I love sending other people to do work. In my weak moment, though, I truly thought the end result would mean LESS work in the long run. LOL

I wish I could've stayed longer and helped more. June is proving to be a weird month schedule-wise. I'm glad it all got done.

You know, VBS really is an important ministry. The outreach potential is enormous when you consider that each of those kids takes Christ home daily --- to who knows how many other people who may or may not know Him.