My boys-isms

Sunday, June 07, 2009 Edit This 0 Comments »
A glimpse into the vocabulary of Jack:

"Can I have cold, fresh water?"

- Has there been anytime that I have given him hot, slightly dirty water?

"My bad."

- He has said this no less than 10 times in the last two days. This has been the most recent "Jess-ism" that he has picked up.

"Sniff. Sniff"

- This one isn't a word but a sniffling noise he makes constantly. He claims he HAS to do it. I didn't believe him until I went to his Kindergarten class to sub one day and noticed that most of the boys make this same noise. Either there is some strange initiation for the boys going into to 1st grade or boys are just weird. I'm thinking it is the latter.

A glimpse into Luke's vocabulary:


- The only person aside from an angry parent to call his brother by his full name. We aren't quite sure why he calls him Jackson. My guess is there was a little boy in Luke's preschool class named Jackson, and Luke decided to call Jack by his full name instead.

"Hold you."

- Ah, still one of my favorites. He can say this and pretty much know he will get exactly what he wants.

"I don't like it."

- It isn't original, but he says it about 5 times a day. He will claim this phrase on anything from ketchup to Bolt. He technically doesn't mean he doesn't like it. He doesn't like the fact that it isn't his original idea and will dispute it with his catch phrase.

"You leave alone me."

- Typically, this phrase is spoken when anyone walks by an open bathroom door while Luke is in there. Maybe there will be a day when he realizes that he can just close the door and not have to say this. I'm thinking not.