To The Man I Married...

Sunday, June 21, 2009 Edit This 3 Comments »
To the man I married...
How little did I know
That when I saw you hold our first child
Oh how my heart would grow.


To love you so much fuller
Beyond my wildest dreams.
Then, I witnessed something greater
My love grew even more it seems


I thank God for the blessing
You are in my life.
We are so lucky to call you Daddy,
And how grateful I am to be your wife.


I love you more than the stars and moon in the sky...


Katrina said...

awwwww how sweet. You are blessed with a great hubby and kids.

However... Im going to go throw up now!

Rachel. said...

Sniff, sniff. Very heartfelt and poignant.

Aaron said...

Do you notice in the first picture where I'm holding Jack my expression is "Oh, crap, I don't think I can handle this," and in the second with Luke, it's "Oh, I got this now."

I didn't get it right either time! :)

Thanks, and I love you too!!