Blog...Constantly Interrupted

Monday, July 12, 2010 Edit This 0 Comments »
**The photos should be working now. I was having internet difficulties yesterday.**

Every time I come to update my blog, something comes up which takes me away from it. It may be the boys, work, cleaning, laundry, etc. It seems as though I am constantly being interrupted from completing a blog entry.

As for an update for the last two months...

- Jack was on the All A honor roll at school, and he received the "Star Clubber of the Month" for Sparks at AWANA at our church. It is pretty impressive for the Star Clubber since only four were picked from his entire Spark club. Yay Jack!

Jack receiving his award from Mrs. Marsh

Jack's favorite 1st grade teacher, Mrs. Marsh

- Luke received his character award from Mrs. Smalley. It was "Contentment". His certificate says "Christian Character Award is proudly presented to Luke Sims for showing CONTENTMENT 'Being happy with what I have'" I'm really proud of Luke.

Luke receiving his award from Mrs. Smalley (or Mrs. Molly as he pronounced it)

Mrs. King and Luke

Luke's favorite Pre-K teacher, Mrs. Smalley

This wasn't an easy year for him transitioning from stay-at-home with mommy kid to full-time Pre-K kid. He is going to attend Pre-K for one more year before he dominates Kindergarten. Look out world!

- I'm the new JV volleyball coach at TCA for the 2010-2011 school year. This is really exciting for me as I've always wanted to coach at the high school level, but I wasn't able to since I've been a stay-at-home mom for 6 years. I never thought I'd get this opportunity. I love how God works! Who would have thought a "secondary secretary" would be a JV volleyball coach, too? I had a good laugh when some of the upcoming high school girls asked if I even knew how to play volleyball. Um...yeah. I do know. I also know how to make girls run until they feel like puking. I'm good like that.

- Aaron and I celebrated our 10th anniversary on June 17. 10 years?!? In all honestly, the time has flown by almost too quickly. I still remember us playing the Nintendo 64 in our small apartment in Lubbock on Friday nights and eating Panburger Partners (the generic brand of Hamburger Helper) because we had no money to do anything. It is amazing to look at where we began and to see how far we've come. I wanted to go on a romantic vacation with Aaron. Aaron wanted a boat. Guess who won?

Ok, I have to admit that his purchase (albeit more expensive) was a better choice than a vacation. As much as I love vacations, we are not a family that does it. We add up the costs and decide to just go to the lake, go camping or visit family. Maybe someday I'll get that romantic vacation. Until then, woohoo for the boat!

- VBS has come and gone. A great post about this year's VBS can be found at Shelley's blog. No reason to duplicate the best explanation of this year's craziness. Although, I will say that rain + small church = ChAoS for finalizing a VBS schedule. I chalk it up to God bending me into being a more flexible person.

- Our trip to my parents' house for July 4th and the following week was a lot of fun. We played dominoes, ate A TON, swam, swam, and swam some more! We had an all-day birthday party for the boys on Thursday, July 8. We went to the museum and swam at an indoor water park. I won't lie. I'm not one for public pools. I think it is ok until I get there. Then, I just envision all those children peeing in that water. Yuck. Let me go back to my parents' pool. At least I know those kids who are peeing in that pool. :)

Tepee Dog Pile

Trash Can Lid Sundae

Everyone preparing to devour (except Jack who ordered a plain vanilla ice cream cup)


This week will bring us fun with Emma who came with us home to spend a few days with her cousins before my sister and Ellie come down. We are going to Hurricane Harbor, Six Flags, Fossil Rim, Art Camp and going to PK for some boating fun. Whew. Too bad I can't rest next week. I'm coaching at a volleyball camp all day from Monday through Friday. Whew. Good thing I get one full week before work starts again.