Pushing Prayer Boundries

Wednesday, April 15, 2009 Posted In Edit This 8 Comments »
I love when it is time for the boys to go to bed, and we sit down together for our nightly prayers. Luke is still in the early stages of praying, so he doesn't really get beyond "Tanku for my food. Amen. Amen. Amen."

Jack is really broadening his horizons when it comes to prayer. We finally got him to understand that God is listening to his prayers, and he can say more than his "favorite song" (Thank you God, thank you God, for our food...) at bedtime. Last night's prayer:

Dear God,

Thank you for my day. Thank you for my school. Thank you for the earth. Thank you for my Uncle B. Thank you for mommy and daddy. Thank you for Grandma and Pappy. Thank you for Neena and Papa. Thank you for me and Luke. Thank you for the toilet. Thank you for my friends. Thank you for the lights.


I can say that I honestly have never thought about thanking God for the toilet in all my adult life, but the kid makes a really excellent point. How often do we forget to be thankful for the small things? Can you imagine life without a toilet? *shudders*

As you go about your day, remember to thank God for something that you don't normally think about. How about the person who invented the drive-thru or the in-car dvd player? All of these conveniences of life that we take for granted were originally an idea that God whispered into someone's ear.


Katrina said...

Thank you God for Chocolate, Diet Dr. Pepper and air conditioning. Amen! (and in that order too)

Rachel said...

Children's prayers are very sweet. I remember one evening Lauren starting her prayer with, "Dear God, I hope you had a good day today." I wouldn't have thought of asking Him if He enjoyed the day. Certainly makes me stop and think.

Anonymous said...

Well, after last night, you KNOW I thank God for the inventor of the toilet.

And my shower.

And my soft bed and pillow.

And indoor electricity.

I'm not so sure how thankful I am for Easter baskets as we now have the contents of FOUR of them in our house. Thanks, Jess. *eye roll*

Aaron said...

Last night he thanked God for Texas...... :)

Anonymous said...

LOL Brandon asked why a friend of his moved to another state. He said, "But, don't they know that Texas is the best state in the country?"

It's good to see the boys have their priorities straight.

Anonymous said...

That is awesome!!

Thank you God for friends, chocolate, and technology!

Makes you think too, Jesus did tell us to come to him like the children. Where did we go from praying like children to praying for show filled with copious amounts of well crap? Hmm food for thought.

Anonymous said...

Kiersten once talked to God about how she pukes when she takes too big of bites and how it makes mommy sad. Sort of made mommy feel bad. But at least she is listening to me, when I tell her to take smaller bites. It was funny listening to her say, "Dear Dod, sometimes, when us put too much in ours mouths, us pute. Sometimes us pute a LOT. Mommy gets sad when us putes, really sad when us putes on her. amen"

*sigh* such is my life. LOL!

Oh, and Aaron, just wait 'till he comes to TN, he'll be asking God why, oh why didn't mommy and daddy let him come here sooner ;)

Aaron said...

Actually, he's been to TX. I assume you just hit the "N" button instead of the "X"....is there another state that starts with "T"?