The "goody-goody"

Thursday, April 30, 2009 Edit This 6 Comments »
Growing up, I was constantly seen as a "goody-goody". I did what I was told to do. I didn't make waves with anyone. I have always been the reliable one. I'm the person that is given the responsibility because everyone knows I will get the job done.

These are fantastic qualities when done for the right reasons. What do I mean? I feel that what inspires me to be this kind of person is my desire to have everyone like me. I know that my underlying reasoning for being a "goody-goody" is so others will look at me and think favorably about me. I am so concerned with what others think that I'm willing to alter my personality to be perceived as something I'm not.

I've found in my 30 years of life that no matter hard I try I can't make everyone happy. Some people will talk about me in a negative way no matter what I do. I can be the best wife, mother, director, or writer that gives everything, and it won't matter to some people.

This bugged me at first. A lot. Like "anger with a few tears" bugged. Yes, actually tears. I know...shocking.

Then, I had this amazing revelation during my quiet time this week with a verse from Hebrews.

"For this world is not our permanent home; we are looking forward to a home yet to come." Hebrews 13:14

It amazes me how God can use one verse that short to change my outlook on things. My focus of this world had totally put me out of focus with what God sees in me. This worldly need of having everyone like me was absolutely ridiculous. God sees me for who I am. The kicker: He loves me just as I am.

He goes in and looks at my heart. He sees the good, the bad and the ugly. Yet, He still loves me and will always love me.

Will I still be a "goody-goody"? More than likely. However, it will be because that is what God desires me to be. From this moment, I am refusing to live my life to the standards of what others feel I should. My heart's desire is to do what God wants me to do. My focus is on His kingdom and not this temporary world.

Will people still talk negatively about me? Probably. Am I cool with that? Yep. Wanna know why? I've got God in my corner.

[B]ecause God has said, 'Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.' So we say with confidence, 'The Lord is my helper; I will not be afraid. What can man do to me?'" Hebrews 13:5b-6


Kim said...

Awesome post Jessica! I can totally relate. I read in one of my devotions a couple of months ago that if there isn't someone out there that doesn't like me than I am not getting out of the house enough. I had to overcome this fear of not being liked and focus on serving my God by serving others. I know that I will probably ruffle a few feathers, but hopefully it will be for God's Glory.

Anonymous said...

Very good post. If it's one thing that teaching professionally beat into my then people pleasing heart is that you can't please everyone. I learned that just doing my best and, in that regard, pleasing God, was just going to have to be sufficient.

And, you know what? It was.

Oh, and I'll stop thinking of you as a goody goody. Now, what should I go with? Loser? Rebel? Drama Queen? Ditzy Blond? So many choices. LOL

Seriously, send any nay-sayers to me. I'll unleash my red-headed temper on them. And all will be well. Mwahahahaha.

Anonymous said...

Aaah, my dear dear friend. We are the same person. I swear it. The same person. You are such a wonderful friend and the best person I know. You inspire me.


Jessica said...

Loser? No way. Rebel? Perhaps. Drama Queen? Heck yeah! Ditzy blond? Possibly when it gets closer to summer, and my hair is indeed blond. LOL

Maybe I should go red this summer, and we can have matching fiery tempers? Our church will never be the same. MUWAHAHAHA! ;)

sdmugrove said...

Oooh...2 redheads. Truly, a force to be reckoned with.

You can be the Irishwoman and I'll be the Scot. You'll decide that it's time to kick some tail, and I'll tell you the most practical way to do it. LOL

Rachel said...

Jeremiah 20:11 (New International Version)

11 But the LORD is with me like a mighty warrior; so my persecutors will stumble and not prevail. They will fail and be thoroughly disgraced; their dishonor will never be forgotten.

And yes, 2 redheads would definitely bring revival (or something) to the church... :)