First Day of School

Wednesday, August 19, 2009 Edit This 4 Comments »
It has finally happened. Both of my boys are going to the same school for the same length of time. Yikes! Where did the time go? I feel like just yesterday I found out I was pregnant with Luke, and Jack was starting to walk and talk. Now, I have a Pre-K and 1st grader.

Both of the boys had a great first day. I do believe highlights of their day (and mine) included seeing their mommy in the secondary office as they walked to and from the playground. Jack even came by the office this afternoon to let me check out the ingredients on a special snack to make sure it didn't contain any peanuts. Could I have a more awesome job? I think not.

Luke did pretty well for being so stinkin' independent. The one time I peaked in on him was when his teacher was reading a story. His head popped up in the door window because the aide was bringing him outside to explain to him that he cannot hide under the table while Mrs. Smalley read the story. Needless to say, he needed a hug from me, and I told him if he didn't listen to his teachers that he wouldn't get to play on the playground. Those words seemed to help his listening skills the rest of the day. :)

As always, I've added some pictures from the day:

My cool cats:

My boys in their adorable uniforms with me:

The boys with their daddy:

Jack putting up his backpack and lunch:

Jack with his 1st grade teacher, Mrs. Marsh:

I sneaked this picture of Luke in the office:

Luke with his Pre-K teacher, Mrs. Smalley:

Aaron was being silly by taking a ton of pictures, and we were all laughing because of the camera flashes. I'm pretty sure that was the most pictures I've ever had taken of me in a short amount of time.


Anonymous said...

Awwww...they look so happy. I figured Luke would adjust OK once he got in the swing of things. I'm sure it helps that he knows you're up there and haven't gone way back home. :)

Hope they--- and you--- have a great school year!

Heather said...

Awww, what little men they are! So grown up looking! And I swear, they look more alike every time I see them.

Katrina said...

heavens those boys are too cute for words! Especially Luke with those sunglasses... who could resist that face????

Glad they had a great first day!

Aaron said...

Please update! How can I find out what's going on if ignore your internet public?? :)