Decision Making - From Jack's POV

Wednesday, July 15, 2009 Edit This 5 Comments »
Today, we went to Best Buy to pick up the second season of Alias (**Alias!**) and Gold's Gym Cardio Workout for the Wii. As we walk into one of the greatest stores in America, I am memorized by the flat screen televisions. See, one of those beauties would look fantastic in my den. Plus, the prices are dropping. All in all, this is a great idea from my standpoint.

On the other hand, Aaron thought it was a better idea to spend said money on a sprinkler system. That he is installing by himself. For the past 2 weeks. And I'm pretty sure it has cost twice as much as the tv. But I digress.

So, the salesman is telling us how awesome this 47" tv is. I'm like "No need to tell me, Mr. Salesman, 'cause I already know. I just need to talk it over with my husband." The salesman says "No problem" and is willing to answer any questions I may have down the line. End of conversation. Or so I thought.

Jack pipes up and throws in his two cents:

Jack: I really want that tv. Plus, I'd like one in my room, too.
Me: Well, we need to talk to daddy first.
Jack: But why do we need to talk to daddy?
Me: Because he is the head of the household, and he needs to make the final decision on whether or not we spend the money for a new tv.
Jack: Hmm...that doesn't seem fair.
Me: Why not? **begins to think about what a valuable opportunity this is to tell him about the Biblical model of what a Christian household should look like**
Jack: Because you are older than him and you should be able to make all the decisions.

Hot dog! The kid makes a valid point. He sees it at school and at church. In his world, the person who is the boss is always older than him. Plus, he hears from his daddy non-stop about how old mommy is compared to daddy.

Needless to say, I was laughing too hard to really turn this into one of those great teachable moments. Instead, I just bought the tv.

Nah...just kidding! :)


Rachel said...

ROFL!!! I love his logic!

Anonymous said...

Brandon's very into the age thing, too. Of course, he uses it to brag about how great he is since he's the youngest but is so smart. Whatever.

Hey, let me know how the Gold's Gym game goes. I'm always looking to supplement the Wii Fit.

Aaron said...

First, while the sprinkler systems initial budetary estimate was grossly inadequate, I feel I must remind everybody that while I was away in June, you started to paint the den. Then we ended up with a new couch and desk.

I'm just saying.... :)

(And you ARE older than me!)

Jessica said...

Shelley - The reviews for Gold's Gym Wii game were really good, so I hope it turns out to be a keeper. I'll let you know on Sunday because it is $19.99 at Best Buy right now.

Aaron - Seriously. You really want to go there with me painting a room and buying a new couch and desk? You are a brave, brave man.

All I'm going to say is my project was completed when you got home, and it cost a lot less than your project.

And since I look younger...neener neener boo boo. :P

Heather said...

First of all - you look WAY better than Aaron does, I'm just saying. ;-) I say Jack has the right idea... go for it. A new TV would ROCK!